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dorkprincess... - portland, oregon - 5Nov2001 2:08 PM
you added a new picture, mr. whittemore.

Where'd she go?
nreed... - Neil - 9Mar2003 4:25 PM
Where's the pic of Jessica? Muh favorite pinball


comment, compliment.
sam2363... - Bangkok, Thailand - 6Sep2003 6:36 AM
Lovely, lively deep and so emotional pictures. You are a great artist. Really like your works. Sam

magrales... - Recife, PE, Brazil - 1Nov2003 7:44 PM
I took almost two hours browsing the pictures. I've never seen such poetry in images. The texts fits perfectly, great deal, high quality, simply art from soul. Congratulations

thesebrokenarms... - New Orleans, LA - 7Jun2004 6:49 PM
I stubbled upon your site from - i was looking for pictures of pianos. I really admire you're photography. I'm going to college for photography. Your's is an inspiration. Your works are wonderful. Do you have more?
God Bless. -Lisa

You're an amazing artist.
Marian_Pinheiro... - Lisbon, Portugal - 14Oct2004 11:41 PM
I really love your photos, they all look like classics to me, and I love the people you photograph. Their faces are so interesting. I just mentioned your site in my blog.

Can I expose your fotos in my home?
ducadimarte... - Reggio Emilia - Italy - 18Jan2005 2:00 PM
I'd like to expose 4 your fotos (robert adrianne dressup; jody nude; suzanne; anja) in my home. Have I your permission to print the four immagines and use it only in my apartament, writing your name on prints? Please reply in my mail; please reply expecially if you do not like this. Reagards.

Well Done!
shoequeenie... - Indianpolis via New Pal, USA - 20Apr2005 11:22 AM
A blast from your past...fellow NPHS grad. D.Amburgey ('84). Stumbled across your website and found it to be quite interesting and amazing to say the least! Your photography is fantastic! Not a surprise that you would continue to be creative within the world of art and music. Was trying to figure out why Kim looked so familiar...then the brick fell on my head and I remembered! My parents still have a pencil (color) drawing she did for me (about 23 years ago!) from an old photograph of my Dad and I. It's still one of my Mom's true treasures. Congratulations on your many successes! All the best!

Old Psych Building Chairs
paul.gordon... - new york city - 20Sep2005 2:18 PM
Dear David,

I am writing to express my interest in using one or more of your
photographs on a future book cover for Guilford Press.

Purdue music scene
efinch... - Evan Finch - 4Jun2008 9:41 AM
David, would you consider joining (and posting some photos to) the Musical Family Tree site at ? That site is devoted to Indiana musical history, with a particular emphasis on the era from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. At the moment, West Lafayette/Purdue is woefully underrepresented on there.

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