David's sorry excuse for a hobby - 1964 Corvair Monza Coupe - 40927W266432
(a side-gallery to the Two Hundred Fifty Pixels Wide exhibition)
© 2004-2025 David Whittemore

In Indiana

In 1988, I stumbled upon a broken-down 1964 Corvair Coupe sitting in an out-of-the way car lot on the back roads near Purdue University. It was winter, the car didn't run, and my brain wasn't running either. I bought it for $250.

During 1988 through 1991 or so, I spent considerable time, money and effort in sandblasting, doing my first metalwork, and painting. I had the engine rebuilt in Indianapolis. And then I lost steam....

1988-1995 - West Lafayette, Indiana

img Just before moving to California. It was pushed into the moving truck from here - since the engine had frozen up again during the years I had been working on the body! duh!.
1995 - Lafayette, Indiana

In California

img This is the day I drove the car for the very first time, right after I picked it up from Mel of M&J's Corvair Mart of San Jose, California. Mel had been in posession of the car since, um, 1996. I've no idea why it took him so long to rebuild the engine. I then proceeded to drive it 100 miles to The 'Tuck - where it went up on blocks..
30Jan1999 - San Jose, California

img After 5+ years up on blocks, I decided it was getting ridiculous, so I put some effort into replacing the starter solenoid, charging the battery and getting some fresh gas into it. I put some trim back on and re-routed some cabling that Mel had been careless with. So here it is after finally getting it off blocks and running again. It was driven to this lot across the street from its garage. Yay!

Later that night, we took it out for a few 'round the blocks. fun. and quite illegal..

11Sep2004 - The 'Tuck, California

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