All Gladys, all the time*
(a side-gallery to the Two Hundred Fifty Pixels Wide exhibition)
© 1999-2025 David Whittemore

img Gladys is a good dog. She is an undeterminable mix of Lab, Pit, and Hound of some sort. She's mostly black with brindle and some white spots..
13 Nov 1999 - Oregon coastline

img She has a very good temperament, as you can see - she puts up with a lot of stupid human stuff. Can you believe that the postman is actually *afraid* of this animal?.
6 Dec 2001 - Garageband Records office, San Francisco

img Obedience leads to compromising situations. She will now jump on command on top of tables and stuff. And she'll stay there until you let her down. She's waiting to be let down from the glass-top patio table in the back yard.
23 Feb 2002 - Woodtucky

img Sometimes I think that maybe the Hound in her may be Greyhound - she is extremely muscular and an agile runner. When she's taken to the Dog Park in San Francisco, only the true Greyhounds can outrun her.
4 Jul 2001 - Christine's parents house

img And after running at Dog Park in San Francisco and rolling around in the mud (thanks, Christine!), Gladys knows that a shower is soon to follow. This is where the Lab in her is a bit diluted - she HATES water.
6 Jan 2002 - Woodtucky

img There's a bench that she owns when the sun is shining on that part of the back yard. From a distance, she looks quite regal.
10 Oct 2001 - Woodtucky

img For half of the day, she'll actively avoid my eyes. The rest of the day, she won't stop staring at me. I've no idea what triggers what mood she'll be in at any given time. Here, she looks like she wants to eat me.
8 Jan 2002 - Woodtucky

img Christine - when Garageband Records still existed - was Gladys' keeper when I went into the office once a week. Christine, of course, wants to steal my dog, so I have to be careful.
23 Oct 2001 - Garageband Records office, San Francisco

img Like any good dog, Gladys enjoys stucking her head out of the window and allowing smells to be forced into her lungs at 80 MPH.
10 Jan 2002 - highway 80, San Francisco

img Christine and Gladys frolic on the floor when they really should be working.
25 Oct 2001 - Garageband Records office, San Francisco

img Here she is looking meek, like the skinny dog from Ren & Stimpy.
11 Jan 2002 - Garageband Records office, San Francisco

img A completely mental dog running free at Pena Adobe. It was rainy and muddy and there were pheasants to chase and she ran off half a mile before I acted like I was leaving to make her come back. She was marched shortly thereafter into the shower.
11 Jan 2002 - Pena Adobe

img Here she is staring at me again. I wish I knew what the heck she wants when she does this.
28 Oct 2001 - Woodtucky

img At the Irish bar up Haight Street from work, Gladys was always welcome. Here she is in my lap.
30 Oct 2001 - An Bohdrain, San Francisco

img Doggie Porn!.
11 Jan 2002 - Garageband Records office, San Francisco

img At the Irish bar in a moment of unguardedness - Gladys' first taste of a Vodka Tonic.
7 Nov 2001 - An Bohdrain, San Francisco

img She's a runner, that's for sure. I drove out a few miles from home to a nice field of winter wheat and let her go nuts.
27 Jan 2002 - Outside Woodtucky

img Bounding, bounding, bounding through the winter wheat.
27 Jan 2002 - Outside Woodtucky

img Stuck at Matt's place in San Francisco. Looking as sexy as can be expected, considering the situation.
7 Nov 2001 - Matt's house, San Francisco

img We went to Hope Valley, California the day before the big Leonids Meteor shower and staked out a camping spot. She likes camping.
17 Nov 2001 - Hope Valley, California

img Still at Hope Valley, California. In her best "Championship Pose". Check out that tuck.
18 Nov 2001 - Hope Valley, California

img Lazy at home. On her back in my lap. It is time for food yet?.
11 Feb 2002 - Woodtucky

img Asleep on her bed. Although she's 45 pounds, she's being almost crowded off by the World's Most Enthalpically-Efficient Housecat.
4 Dec 2001 - Woodtucky

img We took a trip down the coast below San Fransisco. Just below Santa Cruz is Zmudowski Beach. Gladys is still scared to death of the ocean. She was playing the "run away until he calls and then crash into his leg and then sit down, facing away from the ocean until he lets me run run away again" game. This is 0.05 seconds before the crash..
7 Mar 2002 - Zmudowski Beach, California

img I bought Gladys a new bed. The old one was flat and worn out. She likes her mini-castle. Another porn shot..
15 Mar 2002 - Woodtucky

img Beached cat.

At least Agatha has stopped trying to open the screen doors to go outside....

14 Apr 2002 - Woodtucky

img Bone attack!

She looks quite dangerous, doesn't she? Maybe the mailman does have something to be concerned about..

17 Apr 2002 - Woodtucky

img Gladys can be encouraged into this pose simply by saying "what is it?" in the right tone of voice. She'll do this grunting/growling thing as she runs towards the window to see what threat looms on the sidewalk.

Usually, it'll be the kids getting out of school ("good girl!"), or someone across the street on the payphone..

18 Apr 2002 - Woodtucky

img Agatha doesn't "meow".

She walks towards you making an awful squeaking noise, like she's being strangled by invisible elves. If you reach out to pet her, though, she'll shrink away from your touch.

As I've said before, I think she wasted all of her protein on hair instead of brains..

1 Apr 2002 - Woodtucky

img The hedgehog don't care..

For about 30 minutes everyday, Gladys will toss her ex-stuffed animals about the front room. Sometimes she growls. Mostly, she just snorts, like a pig or something. At least she's having fun..

26 Apr 2002 - Woodtucky

img She's learned, somehow, what it means when i hold the small box that makes small noises and hold it in front of my face. It means "pose".

Here she is, obediently sitting very still, except for her tail which is waggy uncontrollably and blurring off her butt..

18 Apr 2002 - Woodtucky

img Standing in the bathroom..
31 Aug 2002 - Woodtucky
* (mostly)

Last updated: Sun Sep 1 23:58:15 PDT 2002

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